The scalloped Bimini seems to work and at places where there
is a gap around stainless steel tubes I made a cone out of a very thin funnel
sewing some canvas on it, no more leaks.
Here are a few photos of the upgrades made on Paradise:
New deck box cover |
The dodger is by far the best upgrade, solid and rain
New Solar Panel |
On raised Davits |
The day finally had arrived to drop the mooring and
Paradise with motor purring to glide out of the calm Bay of Puerto Lindo.
Nothing was stirring yet, except a dinghy headed towards us. It was sleepy eyed
Reg and Debbie doing a farewell circle around Paradise.
Most everybody had teased: “Ahh, going on a “Shake Down
Cruise”?!!! (Giggles).
Paradise had no hiccups and a couple hours later she was
moored in front of Anita’s house. We are at the entrance of the beautiful Portobelo
Bay with a spectacular view of the historic town of Portobelo and the coast all
the way to Colon. Especially on clear days you can see all the way to the entrance
of the canal with the numerous ships waiting for their transit through the
canal. We are fairly close to the rocky
shores and have a fabulous sight of the jungle life as well. Red legged honey creeper,
parrots, lots of king fisher, pelican land in the near trees and even an
occasional Toucan fly over the boat. Not to mention the howler’s monkey’s
warning us when rain approaches, love those critters. And the national bird
here is the Jitra or Jejene = No-See-Um. At dusk and dawn or when there is not
a breath of air, you want to spray plenty of Deet on you unless you want to
look like you have the measles. There are a few cases of lishmeniasis in
Portobelo which is a flesh eating disorder caused by a white no-see-um that has
feasted on sloth or rodents and infected humans not a good thing. It is spread
like Dengue or Malaria. Every corner or counter on the boat has a bottle of OFF
ready. Hey saving on Perfume, we all smell the same.
The snorkeling is incredible as well, it is much clearer
here than further into the bay. Anita’s baby is a beautiful reef in front of
her house. Every time a heavy downpour silts up the bay, she dives on her reef
and blows the silt away. The reef is doing really nice and Anita said she
watches it grow; it is very healthy looking. There all kinds of fish including
spotted eagle ray nestled into the sand, a juvenile drum fish and adult
guarding their territories. I spend hours in the water watching this
spectacular underwater aquarium.
Unfortunately the bay is not protected to the West and if
a westerly hits it gets quite uncomfortable, but not this time of the year or
is it?!!! The very first night a system out in the west sent some bumpy waves
our way. No problem we put the flopper stopper out and all went calm. Didn’t
sleep all too well but it was tolerable.
Approaching rain |
The second day a Dock Wise transport ship anchored about
a quarter mile from us. Loaded on top were two barges a dredge and a tug boat.
We heard rumors that the Spanish Lady Aurora owning a hotel here, is planning
to build a cruise ship terminal. Seeing these dredges we thought for sure that
it was happening. But the ship sat there for 3 days before a bus load of orange
uniformed Chinese guys boarded the ship and unloaded the cargo. It was quite
impressive to see this; Sid took a bunch of pictures. But then they all headed
to the canal and not into the bay. What the….?!!! We figured that it must be
cheaper to unload them here than in the commercial Port of Colon.
We had still some projects to do. Sid needed to fix the
dinghy. He has been pumping it up twice a day some times. He found two holes,
can’t have that, it’s like a flat tire on a car. Reg was so nice to take his
dinghy over to Panamarina to get some two part glue, while Sid took a taxi to
Puerto Lindo to get the glue from Reg. He came back and was going to work on
the dinghy when he noticed there was no glue in it but two bottles of catalyst
instead. Oh well, he fixed it with contact cement which should hold anywhere
from 2 hours to 2 months and the two part glue job will just have to wait until
I had to replace the twisties of the fillers for the
Bimini and Dodger with zippers, but that darn sewing machine did an even worse
job now by bunching up the fabric even more so. So it’s a temporary fix until I
can get the darn machine fixed and if it can’t be fixed it’ll turn into a
dinghy anchor. But we are good in the rain and the cockpit will stay dry.
Nell on Moon Dancer braved it and took the bus from
Panama City to Portobelo.
She was hilarious when she stepped out of the bus.
She said she had the last seat on the bus and was sitting next to a very fat
guy not leaving her much room and next to her in the isle a bucket was placed
upside down where another big guy was sitting. She felt like she was the meat
in a sandwich.
She enjoyed Portobelo, they had bypassed it on Moon Dancer. Did
some tourist stuff, enjoyed a wonderful Thai meal at Captain Jacks and off she
was on the bus again going back to Panama City. She wrote me the following day
that it had taken her 5 hours and that she could have flown faster to Miami
from here. She also mentioned never to get on a Panama bus ever again LOL.
Rainy season has definitely set in as a huge system out
west brought us more nasty waves. The main problem is the swells are so darn
close together. We did not sleep a wink and luckily towards sunrise the waves
subsided slowly. I sat on deck most of the night and inhaled the beautiful
flower scented air. A scent between honeysuckle and jasmine lingered over
Paradise for most of the night. Later on I found out it was the beautiful
flowers of the Frangipani tree that released this wonderful scent. It made the
rock’n rolly night almost pleasant.
A calm and sunny day followed and just as we sat down on
our deck chairs at 4pm we noticed some swells coming in again and within 10
minutes they grew bigger and bigger. Oh no you don’t! We don’t need another
sleepless night; we dropped the mooring and headed to our old spot further in
the bay where the waves were 1/3 of what was at the entrance. Most boats were
rolling from side to side but our flopper stoppers helped us to have sweet
dreams. Since then the weather has been nothing but rain and we had the first
noisy thunderstorm. Sid was in Colon at the dentist at that time. I made myself
a bowl of popcorn, filled myself a glass of white wine and I watched the
thunderstorm go buy. Kinda like going to the movie, well, I said kinda. The
water calmed down again so we headed back out to the mooring but the rain has
not stopped yet.
May is a busy Birthday month for the Domino Divas. We
celebrated Cindy’s on the 11th with a surprise party at Don Quixote.
JAC = Just Ask Cindy |
Margo’s was on the 17th, Cindy, Deb, Renee, Reg and I drove into
Panama City and visited Margo and Herb at their new condo. Margo cooked us a
wonderful lunch for her BD, it was fun and we all exchanged gifts as Margo
missed Cindy’s and mine was two days after hers.
View from Condo |
On the 19th it was my turn. The girls tried
really hard to surprise me. But every Diva knows something is going to happen
on their Birthday. The giveaway was Deb calling me that her and Reg will come
to Portobelo for lunch with us, she always asks if we want to join them, nope
we are coming, hmmm. Then same day both Cindy and Renee called to asked what I
was going to do on my BD, a think Diva’s don’t do. Reg, Deb and Sarah came out
to the boat and of course Deb brought some cold champagne. I think we drank 2
bottles and in between Deb showered me with one present after another. The most
give away was all three kept looking at their watch and then said oh it’s time
to go for lunch.
Driving across the bay I noticed many cars in front of
the El Castillo restaurant parking lot which is always empty. Coming closer I
saw balloons. Getting off on the dock and walking up to the restaurant the loud
popping sound of a champagne cork told me yep there is a BD party.
Ming Xiao my favorite Vietnamese Dish |
It was fun and my champagne glass was never empty. The food was wonderful and OMG the presents were amazing. Especially the present from all the Domino Divas a butterfly pendent carved out of the Tagua Nut. This one blew me away, it is a collector’s item signed by the artist. It looks incredibly real. Wow thanks girls. Another birthday gone and another year wiser; not older.
Tried to wash the dishes one morning but no water came
out of the faucet: “Siiiiiid!” We had just filled the tank there is no way we
are already out of water hmmm, but then the previous night we did hear the “empty
tank bong” hmmm? Naah! Maybe that was the full tank bong. Sid found the filter
full of algae that must be it. He cleaned it but nope. Hmmm maybe the tank
really is empty, so we filled 5 gallons into the tank and still no water came out,
telling us it was the pump. That should keep Sid busy for a while. And it did!
Good thing is we have a backup on hand and a new pump will be underway with our
guests next Thursday. So Sid changed the pump and guess what, still not
working. A light went on in Sid’s head and walked over to the water maker valve which is
used to flush the filter and it was confirmed, somebody accidentally turned the
valve just enough to slowly drain the
tank over night without turning the water pump on. If we catch that
somebody!!!!! 45 gallons of water down the drain not to mention the diesel for
running the engine for about 8 hours, but we are glad we found the problem. Poor
Sid changed the pump back to the old one. Now we can continue scrambling around
to the get boat ready for Lia and Jesse.
Here are a few unusual photos:
Chicken verses cat or is it the other way around?