I know, I know, I know, it’s time for an update!!! (I was almost done and posting this blog when data service went out for 2 days)
Let me continue with the motor problem we had.
Sandial needed to get on
the hard and Greg had to take some motor parts out to be able to get to the
leak. We heard the boat is fixed but no date of departure yet.
Meantime Sid was still
working on our motor. It was a frustrating process but nothing worked. The RPMs still went down. He
finally unhooked everything and narrowed it down to the fuel pump. Yikes where
are we going to find that her in Panama. Sid was sure he had to finagle
something with a different pump. From previous experiences running around town
to chase down parts we at the end always found it at Panama Auto on
Transistmica. I guess with time and age we get smarter so we went there first
before all the other places and WOW they didn’t just have a fuel pump but the
exact same, awesome. After a month of trying to figure out the problem the motor
is running just fine now. Well an occasional hiccup but so far so good. We are
holding our breath.
I don’t think I brought up
the marina we are in Puerto Linton Marina is at this stage not a running
marina, Sid calls it a parking lot. There is no facilities no water or power,
only floating docks. No matter what size the boat , it costs 10 dollars a day
or 300 a months. The marina filled up fast with mainly charter and backpacker
boats. Adam the doc master has no VHF radio nor dinghy and is rarely around so
it’s a help yourself slip situation and whoever sees them come in helps the new
arrivals to get on the dock. (In the meantime he did get a radio but still when
a boat comes in nobody is there to help).
We enjoy watching the
marina slowly getting together. Work was done 7 days a week and the progress is
amazing every day. What we cruisers all said was impossible is actually coming
along much faster than we had thought. But they are about 2 months if not more
behind schedule. It is still far from being a functioning marina.
The docks are nice
floating docks and are anchored with chains a really interesting concept and
needed in this little bay as when the N or NEwinds blows it can get a bit rolly
in here. Between the docks are rubber buffers to protect them from hitting each
other and cracking the concrete.
The cruisers pulled all
their hoses together so that we have water on the dock and it was very organized
who will get the hose first but still cruisers were fighting over who gets the
hose first. We just sat back and watched them and told them that we will be
last, no worries. Sometimes we finally had the hose about 10 pm sometimes at
And each day we wonder how
we get on and off the dock.
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I think this was the worst |
When I realized they were taking trees down for the electrical poles for this marina I went on an orchid hunt and rescued a few. Not one week later the orchids started to bloom and one started showing a stem with 3 knobs, it looked like an alian plant. But look what became out of it. To this day I have no idea what it is called.
There are some fun folks
here in the marina. Rob and Lauren organize a potluck every Friday on their
boat. One time 4 guitarists were in the marina so we had a jam session on the
dock which was so much fun. In the mean time we had more jam sessions.
Ida said that Alfa was
exhausted when she picked her up and she slept all the way home. The next
morning as Ida went into her car Alfa jump into the car something she’s never
done before. Guess she wanted more!
Unfortunately Alfa did not
get pregnant and will have to endure this horrible experience again in about 6
months LOL.
By the way for all the
sailors needing sewing projects done Roman is excellent in fixing sails and any
type of canvas work. My sailrite sewing machine was not working well and all my
sewing projects were on hold. When he learned about my problem he came over and
spent a whole afternoon on our boat fixing my sewing machine with Sid’s help.
The machine is fixed but the projects are still on hold.
We had a new neighbor pull
in across from our dock. Seemed like they had everything under control but we
saw the dinghy had a long painter and just yelled across to them: Pull in the
p…(too late)..ainter. I’ve heard of this happening but never really witnessed
it. Let’s say it this way, it’s really not fun for the owner but for the
watchers it’s amusing and makes a great photo opportunity.
Apropos dinghy last
January while in Shelter Bay we bought a new dinghy as the boat store had 20%
off on anything including things to be ordered. So we ordered the 10 foot
Aluminum Ultra light AB for $3000.00. We were asked to put half the price down
so we pulled our credit card out to pay. We then were told to come back on Monday
to do so. We went back on Monday but now were told they did not give us the
right price, well then give us the right price. They did not know, so find out.
I went into the store daily but no price so when I got a little upset the girl
called the boss to inquire. Boss said he call back later. Later never came so I
insisted on talking to the manager myself. He said he would check into it.
Never did either, by now two weeks have passes. I called the AB dealer in
Colombia myself and found out what the dinghy was worth and actually that they
gave us the right price. Went back to store and insisted to talk to the owner
again. His excuse was that they could not order dinghy right now, not till they
order a big shipment which will be in a couple of months. I told him no problem
we can wait, we live here and were not in a real hurry, so we made a verbal
deal and I put the $1500 dollars down. Whenever we went back to Shelter Bay I
would inquire but by now a new girl worked there and we never got any answer. 7
months later we still did not know anything about our dinghy so I tried to call
them, the phone number on receipt was wrong. Even name on receipt was not the
one from Tri Marine the owners. It took me a while to find the company which is
also DIMAR. Sent an email to them. One month later I received an email from the
same guy I had talked to that they had a problem with some criminal employees
at the time and they have to give us our money back. I wrote him back that the
people were already fired when he himself made the deal with me. Again many
days before he wrote back this time a short note that he wanted to find out how
to give the money back to us. I was going to the better business buearue and
turn him in when Debi sent me an urgent text that Shelter Bay is trying to
reach us as the Boat store is closing its doors and they need to give me my
1500 back. I was Panama City at the time so not to loose the money in
bankruptcy so I told him to deliver it at my hotel. Which they did early in the
morning. Cesaria Diaz had my phone number but decided to talk to the hotel’s
operatior instead, what a coward. Anyway, we got our money back but I still
will report him to the Better Business Bueaue Guess we’ll keep patching our dinghy until we
find somebody that sells them here.
Paula and Franco on
Arcadia were our neighbors when Sid was in Shelter Bay for the delivery that
didn’t happen. During that time they had me over almost every night. Paula
asked me where she could buy a live chicken and I gave her the info. A couple
hours later she walks by my boat with a plastic shopping bag with a live
chicken sticking her head and tail out the bag. Paula cooked the chicken that
night, man was it good. Since then every time they come back to the marina we get
a live chicken and cook it. I hide when she wrings the chicken’s neck but help
her with plucking the feathers and the rest.
Paula also makes the best Paella I’ve ever had.
Paula also makes the best Paella I’ve ever had.
Their friends on a Diesel run
Anita came back from Arizona and same day her friends Don and Teri arrived from Italy. Last year we spent a month with them in front of Anita’s house. Anita wanted us there again but we learned the hard lesson that this time of the year is not a good time to be in Portobelo weather wise so we commuted back and forth with them instead. I can’t believe they brought me a huge bottle of one of the best Olive Oils from Italy, yumm.
Anita came back from Arizona and same day her friends Don and Teri arrived from Italy. Last year we spent a month with them in front of Anita’s house. Anita wanted us there again but we learned the hard lesson that this time of the year is not a good time to be in Portobelo weather wise so we commuted back and forth with them instead. I can’t believe they brought me a huge bottle of one of the best Olive Oils from Italy, yumm.
After lots of fun and
watching the marina getting together and all our repairs were done, I
provisioned and we finally headed to the San Blas.
The weather was perfect
the winds have subsided and we had a pretty calm motor sail to the San Blas. We
dropped anchor in Chichime and after a half an hour of relaxing and enjoying
the scenery Sid brought to my attention that there was a lot of drug dealings
going on here. Wow it was pretty amazing and pretty obvious. We pulled anchor
the next morning with not returning here ever again. Not a good place to be.
We at first were going to stop in the East Lemons but Debi has been waiting forever for us to get to San Blas so we headed straight to the Hollandays and anchored near them. She was so happy to receive all the goodies we brought for her.
We at first were going to stop in the East Lemons but Debi has been waiting forever for us to get to San Blas so we headed straight to the Hollandays and anchored near them. She was so happy to receive all the goodies we brought for her.
It was great to see them
and were immediately invited for dinner on Runner. As always Deb outdid
herself. There were not many boats in the anchorage and I told Sid that all I
wanted is to relax for an entire week, well it turned into 3 weeks of relaxing
and not thinking of other anchorages.
Every morning at 11
weather permitting Debi and I went snorkeling. Debi’s got this place down.
Between her and some other cruisers they came up with a map and started naming
every reef. She knows them all and what she does is she snorkels them counter
clockwise so she remembers every rock, coral, plant and which fish lives where.
It’s amazing. In the three weeks we were there I did not snorkel one place
twice and we snorkeled every day. Debi has 4 fish tanks in her cockpit with
local fish from lion fish to even lobster or crabs but she has to get food
every day. I helped her and bought my own net. I think I laughed more than
catching fish, it’s darn difficult. I was a master in getting the krill but the
little fish no way.
This is named the Waterfall |
Lion fish |
Debi the bag lady weather shopping or in the water |
Every reef had something
else to offer, whether it was nurse sharks, a turtle, lion fish, squid. One of
the lion fish on the outer reef was amazing he hung above his hidyhole and
showed off all his beautiful fins that looks like feathers. He ignored us until
Deb swam over to him, wow his color changed and he puffed up even more so. Just
beautiful. I found an old pearl necklace of mine (fake) that I was going to toss
so we brought it to a coral head that she had not named yet and name it “Pearl
Rock”. I had so much fun with Deb.
Manuela at Pearl Rock |
Debi |
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Deb's |
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Mine |
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Runner |
I told Debi that I will
not snorkel the reef close to where they were anchored anymore. Well we did
anyhow, haven’t seen the croc yet, but Sid did find a hidy hole from one when
we went claming.
After cleaning they are cut in narrow slices then pounded. Then they can be sauteed or breaded. I tried something different this time. I grated an onion, bell pepper and garlic then rubbed the pounded conch patties with this and let it stand for an hour. Then I heated a frying pan added extra virgin olive oil and some curry and sauteed the curry for a little before I sauteed the conch. Then I added coconut milk to it and simmered it a few more minutes and served it over steamed Jasmine rice, wow was it good.
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Conch for dinner anyone?!!! I found these puppies within an hour |
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It's a lot of work to clean them but sooooo worth it |
After thunderstorms you can see the main land |
Behind Reef you can see the Coco Banderas Islands and mountain of mainland behind it. |
Panorama photo of entrance to the Holandays |
and the oposite side BBQ island |
BBQ Island |
Party with Franco and Paula's charter guests |
Franco and Paula |
One of our dinners we had
Reg brought up that our mail forwarding place had changed our addresses. They
are using the same company. We knew it was sold in June but somehow we never
got the memo that they moved us from Islamorada to Key Largo. Our mail
forwarding service always automatically renewed our documentation papers and
since ours was due I sent them an e-mail and ask them send me the renewal.
There was no renewal!! The local post office screwed up in the transition time
and lots of mail got lost as they did not forward them. One lost item was our
documentation renewal and Sid’s new credit card since his was expiring (and who
knows what more was lost). Time to go back to Internet land and straighten out
this mess. Besides Sid needed to do taxes and I needed to renew our cruising
permit in Panama (which was September 11th, we renewed our paperwork
on the 24th of August online and received message it will be done in
2 weeks, two weeks have passed so tried to call them and found out the office
was closed for two weeks and opened on the 12th of Sept. I had to
take the receipt to the cruising permit renewal office but they did not accept
it. The lady who works there knows me by now and just told me to come back when
I get it and not to worry that I would get a fine, ufffff thanks!) Still
waiting for permit.
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Before we left Debi had a great shopping day on Paradise |
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Sid bailing water |
From then on it was a beautiful motor sail back to Linton. I missed taking photos of some dolphins on the bow by the time my camera was ready they were gone. I guess two of them had a change of heart and came back after 5 minutes and posed for the camera. My best photo ever of dolphins and imagine with my cell phone.
As we turned into the opening at Isla Grande the weather took a turn. I had watched the Accu weather radar on my cell and it looked like we were in for some stormy weather so we opted to head back into the marina instead of the anchorage. Turned out the following day we did get a good blow and lots of lightning. Paula What’sApp’d me and told me from Chemmie they had 50 knots of wind, several boats were hit by lightning and two local pangas were thrown on the reef. Glad we were in the marina for this. This year’s weather has been pretty benign and we should have had a lot more rain and it looks like it’s finally trying to catch up.
It’s amazing to see how
much the marina has done. The travel lift to haul boats out we watched them
getting unloaded, now Sid was watching how they were put together. This is a
monster of a lift. The 160 ton haulout lift is the biggest in Panama, our boat
would look like a toy sailboat hanging in it.
The dock master is still
missing in action but the marina seems to survive with the cruisers running it.
So here we are again, straightening out the paper mess and catching up on
dental work, shopping, seeing friends and catching up on other things.