
The cruising adventures of Sid and Manuela

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Waiting for test results and mail

Sid's foot was getting better until he stubbed his toe again not just that he also stepped on a bee with that food ouch. We always used to make fun of him being Polish but we figured out that this is not really the problem, the real problem is his name. As all names have a meaning Sid's meaning is: Troubled and Bruised. So I guess we can't blame it on being Polish anymore we can blame it on his parents for naming him Sid LOL. In the mean time we've been moving back and fourth from Grand Anse to Clark's Court to True Blue for another Vet appointment back to Clark's and so fourth. The anchorages are so close together it really isn't much of an effort to move and gives us an excuse to make water. Tika did her two weeks of antibiotics and during that time she worsened. She was not herself at all, listless, drinking water excessively, didn't eat much, couldn't get comfortable in any position, spacey and we knew she was in pain. The new blood work showed that her Kidney reading had bettered from 59 down to 38 but she'll have a kidney problem from now on. She also lost 400 grams in just two weeks which is a lot for a little kitty like her. We're just waiting on her urine test before we make a decision. The doctor of course is optimistic that with a special diet and medication she could live a bit longer with this kidney condition. The problem is she does not like the new food which is low on protein and salt as she is a very picky eater. Also giving her meds is a torture for all three of us and not to mention last this special food and meds we can only get at special places we know they don't have in many country down here.
Anyway, we've been meeting new cruisers, making new friends so to speak and Manuela goes for daily walks with the girls. The Clark's Court area is really a nice area for it and very scenic although some of the trails are very tough. Saturday nights we join everybody for the potluck at the Clark's Court Marina where Cynthia and Manuela became Karaoke buddies, as soon as they start singing the place empties out but they have a wonderful time anyway until at least midnight.
So we're waiting on the test and also for our mail then we'll see what comes next. Weather has been just wonderful no tropical waves, no or not much rain, best of all no hurricanes and weather is still promising which for this time of the year is very unusual so we keep our fingers crossed that it stays that way.

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