
The cruising adventures of Sid and Manuela

Sunday, May 08, 2011

Cholon, a hideaway in Colombia

Sorry for not having updated our Blog in a while, we’ve been caught in a bit of a mess dealing with our buddy boat and are still in the midst of it so when this is all over with I will get you up on speed
Here is just a brief update:

Cartagena is so dusty, the boat sooooooooo filthy and forget about wishing or hoping for some rain, the rainy season is not due until at least June/July. How do you clean the boat in this situation? Well here is how it’s done:

Sid the genius did it again!

We decided to go back to beautiful Cholon it is so much calmer and cleaner there besides we wanted to catch up some more with Carmen and Roberto.  Sid is helping Roberto and Ken to fix up Manatee a 68 foot Shrimping Boat to get shipshape. They are working on it 12/7 and are having a wonderful time and at the end of the day they look like they worked a coalmine and smell like they sprayed themselves with Eau de Engine Oil.

This place is a true Paradise, the sunrises magical the days quiet, beautiful sunsets and cool nights with magnificent view of the stars.
The vulgar birds are still keeping us in stitches and I just noticed that the video did not completely upload so here it is again:

Sorry if this is a short and not very exciting note I promise the next report will be back to our normal life.
Hugs and kisses everybody

The Boatbumms still in and on Paradise

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