It seems to us that life in
All the hard labor Sid and the other guys did to help Zeny build up her hot dog stand was for nothing. Her next door restaurant neighbor saw a threat in her and called the police telling them she had no permit. They came and sent the guys home. The next day Zeny bought a permit from Lecheria and the guys were back in business and all that was left to do was to finish the roof when the police came again telling them to stop. This time she found out that the permit she just bought was only good for Lecheria and since the beach she is squatting on is Government property she has no right to build. She also was told to have everything the guys built removed within three days. Zeny tried to get a permit but was refused. In the mean time the three days had passed and now she was told if it wasn’t removed within the next day she would be arrested. So at .
Halloween seems to go around the world as it is now also celebrated in She won a dinner buffet for two at the hotel.
Last Saturday Jim the unofficial Mayor of Maremares celebrated his 70 Birthday which was a blast. Jenny made Sloppy Joes and everybody brought a dish to share. Beer, wine and booze was provided and Jim even brought a huge bag full of Halloween stuff out and everybody had some sort of mask or hat on. Now days you don’t even need DJ’s anymore as the I POD took over, we had the best variety of music and danced half the night through.
On Friday Rosalva, wife of taxi driver Leo, gave us a cooking class in typical Venezuelan dishes. We learned to make Empanadas and Guasacaca, which is nothing else but Guacamole. The way she makes it is a bit different, she places two garlic clove in a blender, one onion, lots of parsley, one big avocado, 2 teaspoon of salt and about a quarter cub of oil and blends it. It’s a bit soupier than the guacamole we’re
used too but it tastes creamier and is also served with grilled meats. We had so much fun listening and watching Rosalva while Mimosa was passed around. The recipes are fairly simple but for the ones who need to have the exact measurements they will not be able to cook it as she never gave us any, she just mixed and blended by feel. They tasted yummy but were a bit too greasy. In two weeks we’re l
earning to cook the traditional Venezuelan Christmas dinner, can’t wait.
Evita the kitten is doing really well; she survived her ordeal and does nothing but play. She’s pretty wild. Her parents are back and so we planned our trip to
Getting money here in
So on Monday we’re taking a sleeper bus up to
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