June second we left the house and headed to Bahia Redonda.
On our way there the prop started vibrating like crazy and shook the whole boat as soon as Sid raised the RPMs. We were worried that the electrolyses ate the prop up, that would have been a very expensive problem. Since we painted the prop we did ruled out that it could be overgrown with stuff. I think Sid was reluctant to get under the boat and find out the worst. He finally did and found a giant flower, the prop was so overgrown. The engine purrs like a kitten again and no vibration is felt, sigh.
We still had the outside varnish to do, in we I mean Sid and he did such an incredible job as usual.
Bahia Redonda is a very friendly marina and within two days we were
invited to potlucks, dinners and turned into social butterflies.
Some of the ladies here collect beach glass and one of them gave us a glass in how to make jewelry, so now I have two new hobbies collecting beach glass and making jewelry, it’s a lot of fun and a little competition to my bead work.
Oh the other day Sid got a “little” drunk at the potluck over at Maremares, so I drove us home. I hopped out of the dinghy and pulled the dinghy tight to the dock to make it more stable for unstable Sid as he was swaggering just sitting. He did get out of the dinghy without ever lifting his little butt, he’s upper body was like a tall tree swaying in the wind backwards except it swayed a little to much and in very slow motion Sid slithered into the wet water, there wasn’t even a splash. It was too funny. We laughed so hard it was tough to get him back into the dinghy. Then he realized that he lost one of his crocks and reassured that it was no loss as they were very old anyway. The next day as he took off with the dinghy, he happened to look back and what popped out of under the dinghy, yes his crock, too funny.
We heard that we could find Teak in Isla Margarita, in Jim’s car we took
the Ferry across and went shopping for teak. We couldn’t’ find any teak but found out we can get it right here in PLC. The ferry ride over was really nice as it was a very calm and clear day and we had a great time shopping and learned that Isla Margarita has NO food shortage of anything, which strikes us odd and make us wonder what really goes on. We shopped till we dropped and even Jim had a good time as we took him to stores he didn’t even know existed. We scored big time and found Clamata juice for our Bloddy Maries.
Can you see the face on the rocks of the island:
Our friends on Snow White finally arrived in
Not a bad idea! Four days later we took of on our flight to
even taller buildings. Being there made us realize how much we liked this place and we are looking forward to early next year when we sail into this beautiful harbor again. The heat although was unbearable as the humidity must have been over 90%. The humidity was so thick it felt like a ton on our shoulders.
This sunset photo was taken the first night from our slip in Bahia Redonda:
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