
The cruising adventures of Sid and Manuela

Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Getting ready to sail to Los Testigos in Venezuela

Diane on Jabulani moved over to Grand Anse, had her over for a nice dinner she cooked, yes she brought dinner to us and it was wonderful. The following morning early we helped her to get her boat into the Marina as she was leaving for the States. The good thing was that Sid's toe was all good again but then helping Diane getting the dinghy aboard Sid pulled a back muscle and oh well was on his back for four days. We did move back to Clark's Court Bay to spend some time with Mike and Cynthia on Minx that was as always a lot of fun. On Halloween we all dressed up and joined the Hash House Harrier Halloween run, well only Mike went on the run, the rest chickened out instead we sat around the pull bar and enjoyed cold brewskis. Before the night ended Cynthia and I drove the dinghy over to Clark's Court Bay Marina and did a last time Karaoke together, what a blast. Hurricane season is officially over and only a few left over tropical waves are still out there to dump some needed water on us to keep the boats sparkling and refilling our water tank and sun shower. We're back in Prickly Bay to see Bernie on Transition who is leaving for Trinidad tomorrow. We'll be checking out of here on Thursday and leave before sunset to sail to Los Testigos in Venezuela. We're still having problems finding good propagation to send email out via our ham radio so if you don't hear from us in a week it's obviously not working and we'll send a report in from Margarita.

1 comment:

Crystal and Scott said...

Hi Guys! It's Crystal & Scott (from the Halloween hash... and karaoke)! I was wondering if you got any good pictures of us in costume? Apparently, there aren't any others out there. Sounds like your adventures continue! Glad to hear you made it to Venezuela... but I think you're more excited about the upcoming "shopping" trip!