
The cruising adventures of Sid and Manuela

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Emotional Departure

Saying good-bye to all our friends was hard, especially our family Jim and Jenny on Three Keys, Darren and Rocio, and Chris and Luima.

Jenny arranged a fun get together with Jean and Xiomara, the ex-crew of Maremares. We had a blast and Xiomara brought her sister. I think she was glad she didn't meet us prior as she had a huge hangover the following day. Jim brought all his Halloween stuff out )well it's Carnival here), we had so much fun our faces hurt the next day, plus some of us had ratones in our heads (yep in Veniland you don' get hangovers, you get mice or rats in your head).

Darren and Sid helped Jim AKA "Mayor of Maremares" to get "rid" of the last evidence that the Maremares Crowed ever existed: the BBQ which got us together for so many wonderful evenings and parties. We'll dearly miss this time. It was kind of hard for us in the last few months to visit Jim and Jenny, sitting in the living room of their rental house instead of under the Tree of Knowledge where we bonded and shared our life stories. Three Keys is for sale, Jenny is leaving Venezuela for good in March and Jim will do so in May. This is the end of the Maremares Gang or the Gringo Sailing Community.

Paradise is sparkling from bottom to the top of the mast, provisioned and ready to set sail. We are showered and ready for a cocktail, then for a nap. Alarm clock is set for midnight when we'll sneak out of the harbor and set sails for new unknown adventures. This will be a very emotional departure.
PS: main Provitions:

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