For Sid’s Birthday on October 13th we went to Adriana’s
in La Guyra. Cindy and Reed and Debbie and Reg joined us. The appetizer was
incredible they made little bowls with plantains and stuffed them with “Pulpo
Creollo” Octopus on a light coconut curry sauce. Everybody had some type of
seafood and all was amazing. Had some beers, rum and coke and also a bottle of
Since it was Sid’s BD I thought I’d pick up the tab so when
everybody was asking for the bill it was already a done deal. They of course
protested and I just laughed, the bill was a shockingly shocking 69 dollars!!!!
Hey Sid you can have a Birthday any time.
A big wall of black clouds came towards us and beyond the village
I saw some huge tube hanging from the cloud, my gosh it was a enormous
waterspout. The top half was as wide as the tornadoes they show you on TV just
on the bottom the usual narrow waterspout came down. It was already very close
to land but luckily where it was there is nothing but nature and no villages or
homes. Pargo Frito |
Impressive Waterspout/Tornado |
One day I had to get the laundry key from Jack, he and the other
employees were down by the waterfront cutting the trees back. I was half way
down the stairs with wet clothes over my sholder; I noticed something right
next to me on the hand rail moving. It was a two toed sloth. My guess was that
it was Molasses one of the sloths Binnie had rescued; she still comes around
now and then and even shows of her babies when she has any. I could have
touched her she was that close. She was not happy with me being there and
started moving, I had no idea how fast they can go. I ran back as fast as I
could, threw the clothes into the dryer, ran down to our little house, grabbed
my camera and ran back to where the sloth was, but was outrun by a sloth. She
was already in the tree, but I still managed to get a couple of good shots of
The same day I saw a baby boa on the drive way. Unfortunately she
was run over by the truck. Just a week earlier I saw one slightly bigger. They
are really beautiful.
I wonder where mama is??!!!
Plus Thousands of these beautiful butterflies where flying everywhere:
For the third time now living on land we lost our landline. The
phone was dead in the whole entire area of Costa Arriba. After 10 days still no
phone but surprise Cindy’s phone was ringing. It was the baker. She skyped me
and ask me if I recognized the following phone number. Sure did it was the
phone number of Hans’s restaurant, that explained why the baker would call her.
The phone company had somehow cross wired phones. Sarah now had Guido and
Silvia’s number. These two phones seemed to work the rest did not. After two
phoneless weeks while I was in Colon I went to Cable and Wireless or as we call
them Worthless and put the third or fourth complaints in. The girl took the
paper with all my neighbors’ phone numbers including ours and she made one
phone call after another but never saying a word. She would listen for a few
seconds then hang up. After each call she said: “oh they stole that cable!” A
good 10 minutes later she was done calling and confirmed that all numbers had stolen
cables. I asked her how she knew it as she had never spoken to anyone during
that time. She just said well that happens a lot. So I asked her very patiently
that after they had been stolen for two weeks already if they could replace
them? She thought a minute then said: “Yes, they are shopping for cables”. I
could not hold it but laughed out loud. You just gotta love life in a third
world country. Oh by the way after 5 more days we finally got our phones back,
except for Cindy, hers is still not working. Mine dialed but a voicemail came
on that we had not paid the excessive bill. Jack called this time to let them
know that he had paid the bills and he was told to try again in 15 minutes.
Yeah it worked. Except our phone is broken and does not transmit the spare
phone the ringer is so low it sound like a mouse under a pillow. But hey we got
the phone back.
Carol came back and since it was Black Christ Festival in Portobelo
meaning we were cut off from the rest of Panama we spent a fun day at her house
in La Guyira swimming, relaxing and of course eating.
Liver Pate by Cindy and Sushi by Manuela |
Carol has now her own train set |
There is never a dull moment around here. I went shopping in
Panama City and at Riba Smith I used one of the two ATM machines to get 300
dollars out. It was processing and processing for a good minute then just went
back to the welcome screen. Weird so I tried the machine right next to it from
a different bank. Hmm same thing happened but this time after saying that it is
processing it said not possible to process. The next store I went to I hit the
ATM again and this time it told me that I had exceeded my daily allowance,
hmmmm. After a few hours I finally got hold of Sid and he checked our account
and sure enough 600 dollar plus the 12 bucks fees were taken out. He called the
bank right away. Two days later, I was just in the process of trying to sink
the house, Pat called and told me that they were just standing in line at an
ATM machine in Colon when the lady in front of him had the same thing happening
but in her case it did not give her the money but told her that her bank
balance was 00.00, and yet another woman was there and she had 2.00 left in her
account. It seemed that the cards from local banks were drained while mine they
could only take the amount I punched in. Obviously Pat and her hubby did not
attempt to get any money out of the machine. Seems like there is a major scam
going on. Later I received an email from Jen stating that this is a country
wide problem. Sarah and Bill had each 500 dollars taken at an ATM.
Oh yes, you read right I tried to drown the house. Did laundry and
somehow the washer drain hose came out, I was just cleaning the living room
when the phone rang and I stepped in one inch deep water while getting the
phone. (Now I know what that dark color hose was that I thought was the vacuum
cleaners hose, it looks just the same!
What a mess, the water was already in the bedroom and in bathroom
and half the kitchen was flooded, luckily the living room with carpet was
spared. Just good I already had the shop vac in the house which did a wonderful
job sucking the water up. Still was a mess and everything that got wet, which
was a lot, had to be hung up and dried. So the one day house cleaning job took
a few extra days.
Poor Ollie had a booboo on his toe and so he can’t lick the antibacterial
cream off I put socks on him. Just not sure if he was embarrassed about the socks
or the color or the hearts?!!!
Can anyone tell me where my reading glasses are?????
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