
The cruising adventures of Sid and Manuela

Thursday, August 09, 2007

08/08/07 Back in Coche Island

The wind was blowing all night long making the anchorage a bit lumpy and I woke up with a huge frog in my throat and a fever. Right after the radio nets were over, (there are several in the morning, first at am we listen to Chris Parker, he gives the best weather for us cruisers, at am is a new net the Coconut Telegraph some cruisers started and both are run on Single Side Band radio), Sid pulled the flopper-stoppers up, had to clean the slimy stinky film off it, then we took the sun awning down
and got the boat ready to sail. Just before 10 we pulled anchor which after the two weeks stay had been overgrown with a underwater science project, another stinky but furry mess Sid scrubbed off the chain. The wind was blowing nicely and for once from the right direction to pull the spinnaker up. We were flying in colors and Sid even let the staysail out, we were looking good. The highest speed was at 7.6 knots that's very rare for our small boat. It was a beautiful sail all the way to Coche and
we estimate we sailed 20 miles. Dreamtime followed us and took some photos of us, can't wait to see them. We're anchored again in 10 feet of water of the beautiful sandy beach in Isla Coche and are relaxing with a good book in a nice breeze. Originally we wanted to visit the Blanquilla Island as well, but the tropical waves are more frequent now and since Blanquilla is a bit out in nowhere and has not much protection we decided to safe it for later when we head west towards the Panama Canal again
in a few months. Took another aspirin to get the fever down, Sid took another Cuba Libre and in one hour we'll lower the dinghy and head over to Dreamtime for a yummy dinner. Tomorrow it will be up early to make the long 49 mile run to Laguna Grande. The reason to leaver oh dark thirty is to escape the strong wind and current that will blow against us in the Golfo and usually starts just before noon.

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