
The cruising adventures of Sid and Manuela

Friday, August 17, 2007

08/17/08 Guacarapo

Dean turned into a hurricane and started heading north and took Trinidad/Tobago/Grenada and Venezuela off the hit list. For us that was good news unfortunately not for the folks up islands. Dean hit this morning and went right between Martinique and St. Vincent. As we still didn't feel well we decided to spend one more day in Laguna Grande and early this morning we pulled anchor and headed into the Golfo to Cariaco. The sky was overcast and the wind was coming out of the west a result of Dean. We
got the effects from Dean's tail which actually worked out pretty good as we were going east with it. Behind us we saw some rain coming and hoped it would not catch up with us which didn't. We had only 20 miles to go and the last 5 miles the wind picked up and white caps built up more and more. We can say we just arrived in Guacarapo on time before it got really rough. The highlight of the trip was for at least 10 miles Paradise was surrounded by playful dolphins.

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