
The cruising adventures of Sid and Manuela

Thursday, August 30, 2007

08/30/07 Chimana Segunda, aprox. 5 miles from Puerto La Cruz

The first time we came to El Oculto with Dale and Sandy on Snow White, we didn't think that it was all that great according to other cruisers. The hills were dried out and the water was murky with a very dark bottom, some kind of algae covered the bottom of the bay. The second time here the hills were a bit greener but the water still very murky and dark. This time the hills are covered in green with occasional clay bottom showing. The water was crystal clear and the visibility must have been at
least 30 feet. We couldn't believe our eyes, how beautiful the underwater shoreline looked. It was covered with the most beautiful coral reef full with Christmas tree and feather duster worms, they cover all the coral and glow like precious stones. There was an abundance of reef fish, including a good size barracuda, lots of pufferfish, some so big the head was the size of a giant beach ball. They hid under the coral heads and it was spooky when you look under a coral head and two giant size eyes
are starring at you then you notice the giant head. As we were going around one coral head we almost encountered a head on collision with a beautiful green turtle, which was just as surprised as we were. At first it took off then turned around and circled us checking us out. Some cruisers even have seen little seahorses here. Across our anchorage is a steep wall which is fun to snorkel. Unfortunately the water was also inhabited by nasty string of pearls and other type of jelly fish which left instant
blisters on my skin. The other didn't seem to have that reaction. My right hand is covered with blisters and it itches like hell for day and days.
Five more boats joined us, we had met them all when we were in Bahia Redonda and it was a fun reunion with happy hour each evening on one of the boats. Unfortunately for us it was saying goodbye as they head into the Golfo de Cariaco and us back to Puerto La Cruz. We motored out of this beautiful area and noticed the huge change again in the greenery verses the first time we came through here. We rounded the corner and headed along the shore towards the Arapos Islands, the scenery revealed nothing
but lush, tropical beaches with towering mountains in the background. The Arapos islands are two beautiful little islands, populated with simple vacation homes and a few that live there year out. Between the two islands is a mini island with a house now in shambles. The once beautiful house used to belong to an attorney and when they turned this whole area into a national park they evicted him from his island. He donated his villa to the park and they promised to keep it the way it is, but unfortunately
that never happened, the house was stripped and only the walls remain. This little island is surrounded by a beautiful reef. The water wasn't as clear as in Oculto but I've never seen so many parrot fish and never in a group of at least 20 as here. We saw one of the funniest things ever, a guy with mask, snorkel and fins, was pushing an ice cream cart through the water to the anchored boat selling ice cream, what a great idea but too funny to see. The anchorage was a little crowded and not sure
how protected it would be at night we pulled anchor and headed across the basin to Isla Chimana Segunda and anchored on the western end of the south coast in a little bite called Playa el Faro. Soft multicolored cliffs surround the bay which have been sculpted by wind and rain and makes for quit a contrast with the emerald green water. And on the head is a broad beach and on one side above the cliffs is a beautiful red and white striped lighthouse. One sailboat was already in the anchorage and at
least 10 boats were anchored right onto the beach and the beach was crowded with people. We realized that the school was still out, the good news about this was they all leave before sunset and go home and leave this otherwise beautiful anchorage for us to enjoy. Unfortunately the anchorage is rather on the rolly side and little tiny gnats are persistently poking our eyes and land on any bare skin they can find, in other words VERY annoying.

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